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May 31, 2022Liked by Keith Pille

I think that a large reason for the lack of change in the system of office work is that the people who have the power to change the system as it currently is (the bosses) actually *like* the system as it currently is because it works for them. It's why it's pretty much only management who want everyone to come back into the office, while everyone else is screaming "No! Going into the office is hell!" Put yourself in Michael Scott's shoes for a minute: The office dynamic requires everyone else to at least listen to your jokes (and strongly encourages them to laugh at them) and forces everyone below you to automatically give your ideas far more respect than they actually deserve.

I think the situation is compounded by the fact that most managers, and almost all managers above the very bottom level of managers, are business school graduates. Business school, from what I've seen, is about indoctrination as much as its about education. Personally, I find business majors pretty much incomprehensible: I cannot imagine being so enamored with "business" as a concept that you would devote your college career and then professional career to "business," with minimal (if any) regard for exactly what sort of widgets the company you were working for was producing.

I hope you do decide to bring back the newsletter - I enjoyed having you show up in my email box- and I'll be eagerly looking forward to the information about the community ed class.

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